Rooms for Rent / Roommates

Room for Rent
Rent: $650 per month
City and State: Philadelphia, PA
Country: United States
Contact: Julius  Williams

Property Manager (Learn More)

Roommate Seeking a Room to Rent
Target Rental Rate: $400 per month
City and State: Hanover, PA
Country: United States
Contact: Susan  Bradley

33, female, small business owner/ entrepeneur from the Lehigh Valley. College educated, respectful, contributes to the household, keeps to myself, independant, personable, reliable- looking for same. (Learn More)

Roommate Seeking a Room to Rent
Target Rental Rate: $800 per month
City and State: Honesdale , PA
Country: United States
Contact: Kate  Flores

(Learn More)

Roommate Seeking a Room to Rent
Target Rental Rate: $900 per month
City and State: Quakertown, PA
Country: United States
Contact: Wendy  McGill

I am a divorce 43-year-old woman, I have a full-time job as a direct care worker. I also attend college part-time. (Learn More)

Roommate Seeking a Room to Rent
Target Rental Rate: $700 per month
City and State: Southampton pa, PA
Country: United States
Contact: Sue 

Single female honest hard working, clean and quiet, no children, need room asap closer to work. (Learn More)

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