Roommate Profile

Detroit MI 48202, USA
Point of Contact: Abhi Rao 
How much is Abhi Rao looking to pay in rent?: $500
Abhi Rao is looking to live with: Anyone
Does Abhi Rao smoke: No
Does Abhi Rao need to be next to public transportation?: No
Does Abhi Rao have a pet?: Yes

Additional Information
hi roomie!

i graduated from wayne state in 2006. since then i have went on to do many things and get in and out of a marriage. currently myself and my dog are on our own, and hoping to find a pet friendly home... to start over. i own a home staging business, i am a licensed and active realtor, and i also keep a part time job. i can afford the whole apartment but would prefer to have a roommate around compared to living alone.

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